Colours from plants and flowers : Doing them right

The first reaction many people seem to have when I explain that “Natural colours “ are colours from plants and flowers is “seriously, I had no idea! Colours from plants and flowers often called natural colours or natural dyes are enduring dyes that can permanently colour fabric or yarns.
Blues from Indigo, Pinks from Palash flower , Madder or yellow from Annato seeds, browns from Haritaki or Myrobalan are just some of the colours that are derived directly from nature.
Its not as easy as it may seem to source , process , extract and then dye fabric from these colours but it surely is a sustainable and (water) pollution free way to colouring our clothing.
Many of the dye producing plants have been noted in Ayurveda for their healing properties (Indigo for treating disorders of the skin and hair) and now modern science has also confirmed the health benefits of wearing naturally coloured clothing.
In the past however, before the arrival of synthetic dyes during colonial times, before democracy and structured governance replaced feudalism, colonialism etc, natural dyes were a way of life. People relied on plants and animals (lac, shellfish) for colouring clothing and other artefacts. But at that time exploitation of nature and labour both were rampant. Farmers of Indigo, harvesters of Tyrian purple, collectors of certain types of roots and barks all were either themselves treated very poorly or treated nature without much consideration.
"A slow revival has seen this lost practice that combines science and art make a comeback and gain popularity in the mainstream"

Moving forward to today where the call for sustainable choices in business and consumerism are rising to a crescendo, the idea of natural colours and resposnible consumerism are re entering the minds of governments, businesses and people alike.
Unlike before if sustainability, environmental responsibility and fairness could come to govern the production, use and utilisation of natural colours then, I feel natural colours could be done right .