Responsible. Clean. Colour.
Natural colours are usually derived from plant matter and earth pigments. The ancient practice of using natural colours or dyes has been completely replaced by synthetic colours derived from petrochemicals, that are very harmful to humans and our environment.
Although they are cleaner, safer and completely bio-degradable in comparison, natural colours need to be made, used and consumed responsibly. Cirana Earth will help interested persons discover, understand and engage with natural colours through a scientific lens.
"Nearly 20% of all global water pollution is attributed to the synthetic dyeing processes"

This comparison highlights how natural colours fare against synthetic colours .
"Bio pollutants in dye waste effluents, affect aquatic life, infiltrate ground water and pollute waterways irreversibly"
Discover. Connect. Engage.
Introduction to the plant colour community
People and organisations involved in creating and spreading knowledge about this practice
Clean .
Until the 1900s all colours were derived naturally. Synthetic colours have completely replaced natural colours today.
Plant based colours are re-emerging as a cleaner, safer and slower alternative.
Cirana will help you better understand plant based colours.
We, at Cirana, have curated the business activity and collated the scientific action surrounding plant based colours.

Our clients feedback is important for us.

Until the 1900s all colours were derived naturally. Synthetic colours have completely replaced natural colours today
340+ Project Done
99% Top Feedback
4 Global Offices